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Ответы на вопросы по Perfomance Evaluation (Queueing Network Modelling)

Queueing Network Modelling
1.Which of the following is an appropriate approximation of the arrival instant queue length Ak(N) that can be used to avoid the MVA recursion in single-class closed models? узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
2.By monitoring a system we are able to measure the following data: - CPU demand: 4 seconds per transaction; - CPU utilization: 50%; - Response time: 15 seconds per transaction; - Average think time: 25 second; Which is the number of users? узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
3.Which of the following is the lower asymptotic bound on response time for single-class closed queuing models under the low-load condition? узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
4.In a batch system the CPU is performing, on average, 12 operations per second. Moreover, we know that each batch transaction requires, on average, 4 accesses to the CPU. A disk in the system is managing, on average, 18 operations per second. Which is the average number of accesses to the disk required for each batch transaction? узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
5.By monitoring a system we are able to measure the following data: CPU demand of 4 seconds, CPU utilization of 80%, response time of 15 seconds and 10 active users. Which is the average think time of these users? узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
6.A computing system has been monitored and the following data has been collected - measurement interval: 1 hour; - number of users: 80; - average response time per transaction: 5 second; - number of completed transactions: 3600; - utilization of CPU: 80%; - utilization of disk 1: 50%; - utilization of disk 2: 50%; On average, how many users are not thinking? узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
7.Consider a multi class system with two classes of transactions. We have the following information about the system: - class 1 response time: 8 seconds; - class 2 response time: 6 seconds; - class 1 throughput: 5 transaction per second; - class 2 throughput: 3 transactions per second; Which is the average response time of the system? узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
8.Which of the following is the lower asymptotic bound on response time for single-class closed queuing models under the high-load condition? узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
9.By monitoring a system we are able to measure the following data: - CPU utilization: 50%; - Response time: 15 seconds per transaction; - Average think time: 5 seconds; - Number of users: 100 Which is the service demand of the CPU? узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение
10.A computing system has been monitored and the following data has been collected: - measurement interval: 1 hour; - number of completed transactions: 900; - number of users: 60; - average number of users not waiting for response from the system: 57.5; Which is the average response time? узнать ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ответ | добавить объяснение

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